Medinex Limited

Medinex Limited

Investor Relations Policy

Medinex Limited (“Medinex” of the “Company”) is committed to engage its shareholders through timely, complete and accurate disclosure and effective communication, in accordance with the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2018.

This Investor Relations(“IR”) Policy describes the principles and practices for Medinex to provide investors, current and prospective, with information necessary to make well-informed investment decisions.


1. General Principles

1.1 In the course of the Company’s Investor Relations activities, the Company will comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

1.2 All disclosures submitted to the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”) through SGXNET shall be made available on the Company’s corporate website.

1.3 This Policy is subject to regular review by the Company’s management to ensure its effectiveness. Updates will be made timely to reflect current best practices in our communication with investors.


2. Shareholder Rights

2.1 The Company is committed to treating all Shareholders fairly and equitably, and to uphold a practice of transparent, timely and accurate disclosure of information.

2.2 The Company will facilitate the opportunity for Shareholders to participate effectively in and vote at general meetings of Shareholders. The Shareholders will also be informed of the rules, including voting procedures that govern general meetings of Shareholders.


3. Communications Principles

3.1 The Company employs various platforms to effectively engage Shareholders and the investment community and strives to provide pertinent and accurate information in an effective and timely manner.

3.2 The Company will communicate only through its designated spokespersons who will establish and maintain regular dialogue with Shareholders, to solicit and understand the views of the Shareholders.

3.3 The Company does not respond to rumours or market speculation. However, if rumours indicate that material information has been leaked or they are in fact false or inaccurate, the rumours will be promptly clarified via announcements made through SGXNET.

3.4 The Company will give reasonable access to analysts and the media to help them formulate informed opinions of the Company.

3.5 The Company observes a “blackout period” of one month prior to the announcement of its half-year results and one month prior to the announcement of its full-year results. During this period, the Company does not comment on industry outlook, the Group’s business performance and financial results.


4. Communication Strategies
4.1 Shareholders’ Meetings

4.1.1 Annual General Meetings (“AGM”) and Extraordinary General Meetings (“EGM”), if necessary, are the primary platform for the Shareholders to communicate directly with the Company.

4.1.2 Notice of AGM / EGM, setting out all items of business to be transacted at the meeting will be sent to all Shareholders within the required notice period prior to the AGM / EGM.

4.1.3 The notices of AGM / EGM will also be announced via SGXNET and the corporate website.

4.1.4 The Board members, key management personnel of the Company and the external auditors of the Company will be in attendance to address Shareholders’ queries.

4.1.5 Shareholders are allowed to appoint up to two proxies to attend and vote at the general meetings in their absence.

4.1.6 An announcement of the voting results will be made via SGXNET on the same day of the Shareholders’ meeting.

4.1.7 Minutes of the Shareholders’ Meetings will be made available on the Company’s website within a reasonable time frame after the conclusion of each Shareholders’ meeting.


4.2 Corporate Website

4.2.1 The Company maintains a corporate website (

4.2.2 Half-yearly financial results, full yearly financial results, annual reports and sustainability reports announced via SGXNET will also be posted on the Company’s corporate website.


5. Company Contacts

5.1 Shareholders and the investment community may contact the IR team via email at

5.2 Shareholders may also contact the Company’s Share Registrar at the following address:

Tricor Barbinder Share Registration Services 80Robinson Road #02-00 Singapore 068898 Tel: +65 6236 3333 Fax: +65 236 4399


6. Shareholder Privacy

6.1 The Company recognizes the importance of Shareholders’ privacy and will not disclose Shareholders’ information without their consent unless required by law.


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